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„Good-evening, Egle. I would like to thank you for helping me a lot while I was working in your company. I hope I will have a chance to work with You again, as probably I have not met such a nice, devoted and always trying to help person like you yet. Thank you so much and all the best at work“.

— A.Juknevičiūtė

“We were working in Sandal town. I like it a lot, we traveled along all Denmark and saw a lot. The job was good.I recommend to go and work, it is possible to earn money”.

— P.Paplauskas

“We were delivering post. It was hard in the beginning, but later when we understood better the system, the job became much more easier. The job was interesting, we met a lot of nice people. The living conditions was excellent. We can say only good things about job in this company. We would work again with pleasure”.

— E.Ambrozaitė ir V.Batygina

„I was building silos. I liked a job. Managers and colleagues were polite and kind people. Living conditions also was good. Job was not difficult. My feedback is very positive about this company”.

— A.Grybas

“We worked in syrup factory. It was pleasure to work there. The team was good, managers are very good people. We liked living place and surroundings. The job was not difficult. The syrup and rice were very tasty. We are satisfied”.

— N. ir V. Šlyginai

“About work I can say that I worked first time in mink farm, but it was very good. The owner of the farm is good person, I had also good living place. I got all tools needed for the work and my safety was ensured. I would go to work once again”.

— A.Jakimavičius

„I worked in fish factory. The job was interesting and not difficult. We all were happy for all the help and support from Lithuanian office. We worked a lot of hours, therefore I can not say a lot about free time“.

— N.Šlyginienė

„We did maintenance of stables in pig farms. The job was not difficult, but it required accuracy, I can describe the job as LEGO. I liked people in Denmark, all were polite and kind to us. In general I am happy with job and with living conditions “.

— M. Dargis

„We worked in fish factory. About Baltic Workforce I can say only good things. They take care of their clients and workres. I hope we will cooperate in future”.

— D. Grajauskienė

„I worked in fish factory. I liked a job. I met a lot of interesting people and I got very good practice, which I will use in future “.

— A.Narbutas

“The job was interesting and easy. Accommodation conditionsgood, people very simple and kind, nice nature. Entertainment in Denmark is expensive thing, but we had a great view throw window, we were able to watch wild animals and birds going around. We had own crow. P.s I should say that food in Denmark is not tasty, I recommend to bring as much as possible tasty food from Lithuania”.

— E.Rupšys ir T.Pavilonis

„We worked with Christmas trees. The job wasn’t difficult. The owner of the forest was good and polite man. We are satisfied with all the condition and we hope to cooperate with this company in future”.

— Rimas, Kestas ir Aurimas

„We Aidas and Audrius worked in Denmark and we built stables for pigs. The job was OK, especially if it was in a new and empty pig farm, but when we had to repair stables in active farms, where were a lot of pigs, it was not so good as pigs tried to bite our legs and hands all a time. We are grateful for Baltic Workforce for given job and we hope to work together in future”.

— Aidas ir Audrius

I am thankful for the company for given opportunity to work in fish factory in Denmark. I worked for 2 months there, was putting small pieces of salmon into packs. The job conditions were good, friendly colleagues. We had good conditions to rest during brakes at work. We lived in 4 room apartment: 3 bedrooms, one living room, modern kitchen. It was very comfortable to live there. Very nice town. For ones, who are going to work in fish factory I suggest to take more warm clothes”.

— J. Rutkauskienė

„I am satisfied with cooperation with Baltic Workforce. The job they gave to me in Denmark was good and I am happy for that. All people in Denmark was polite and understanding. I hope I will get new job offers from this company”.

— D. Rumkis

„We all women, who worked in Denmark, want to say, that we are very happy about job. Also we want to thankful fpr employees from Lithuanian office, who gave us possibility to work in Denmark and earn money. Thank you”.

— Janina, Anna, Zaira ir Ernesta

„I worked in Denmark in the end of 2004. I am satisfied with a work. I do not have anything bad to say about the company. Everything was organized with very high level, therefore I recommend to choose this company. Comments from my side are only positive“.

— A.Balevičius

„I am 33 years old. 15 years I worked abroad not legal. This was first time I had a legal job. I am very happy about it. Legal jobs eliminates a lot of problems, company takes care for everything.
Just do not forget that you have to work.”

— A.Radzvilavičius

„I worked in factory and was packing perfume and other cosmetics. The working conditions were very good, the living place was amazing. Danish people I met was good people.
Later I worked in a mink farm. I also liked job there. Thanks to the company for the given possibility to work in Denmark”.

— R.Dulksnys

“First of all I want to apologies for all the inconvenience we did for you. I do not have any claims to your company. The conditions you gave to us was ideal, it is a pity that not all from us could evaluate and understand. I would like to work together in the future. I liked Denmark”.

— R. Petkevicius

„Baltic Workforce – is a trustful company. I have worked with this company for 3 years. I can say that this company has big experience and you can rely on them. Polite, kind and helpful staff is working in this company. You always can ask them for help or information for different questions you need: regarding accommodation, taxes, work and living in Denmark, etc. Working in Denmark I really was happy with a job, salary and accommodation conditions. It is nice that company does not take any money for their services, neither for recruitment nor for other services. You can trust this company and I recommend to cooperate with them if you want to work abroad”.

— Č.Sidkovas

„I am Saulius Venskevicius. I am working with Baltic Workforce since December of 2009 and I am very happy. All documents needed for employment and Danish tax authorities (SKAT) they make right and on time. In cases when we-workers- have to do something ourselves, they send clear information what to do, always answer and patiently explain if there are some questions. Also it is very important they help with accommodation, as in Denmark it is pretty difficult to rent accommodation for foreigners who does not speak Danish. Baltic Workforce pay salary is always on time. Baltic Workforce fulfils their obligations if you fulfill yours. So if you know English, you are honest and willing to work, you will get a job and will not have any problems. If some issues will arise, Baltic Workforce will help you”.

— S.Venskevičius

„Baltic Workforce takes care for us all a time. They pay salaries on time. I hope to keep cooperation with them for long”.

— E.Butkienė

„The most important that Baltic Workforce never cheat regarding working hours and money”.

— Viktor Berežnoj

“I worked in Baltic Workforce year ago with my girlfriend. Everything was good working in this company, so we decided to sign another contract with them this year. This is not first company, with which we worked abroad, so we can compare. Very professional approach to the worker, quick, no longer then 24 hours responses to questions about the job. Very helpful office staff, all our requests for help are priority for them, what makes job easier, and help to make some important decisions. All deadlines for payments, advances are complied on time or are even sent earlier. Baltic Workforce contacts us periodically to ask if everything is okay and if there is anything that Baltic Workforce office can help us with”.

— G. Kolek

„I worked for Baltic Workforce one year ago, I can have only good memories from that period. Well-paid job, good attitude to workers. They explained everything clearly and when I had any questions, whether it was regarding work, money or documents they wrote back to me very quickly. This year the office send to me another job offer, and I’m glad about that and I will take the job again. I have possibility to compare few companies because before few times I worked abroad with other companies. To be honest Baltic Workforce is different from other companies in every way, and they are better :)”.

— J. Klag

“I worked through company Baltic Workforce twice: In Copenhagen and in Storvorde next to Aalborg.I did not have problems with salaries, it always was on time (I recommend to open Danish bank account, salary will be on your account every last Friday of the month). Another good side is that you can earn good, but sometimes you have to work even 12 hours. Company is trying hard to make your living/working in Denmark good. If you are missing or need something you need to talk about it to agency staff. Talking about job offers or job itself. I didn’t have problems. Offers which I was getting before going to work was same as job after my arrival. Personally I recommend Baltic Workforce company. If sometime I will have opportunity to work with this agency for sure I will go for it.”

— P. Michon