The Job


Number of workers:


Job Period:

From As soon as possible until 2019-12-07

Job Description:

Handyman to demolate and renew apartments in collaboration with the client . The working time is 8 hours a day and 5 days a week.

Work location:

7080, Børkop


Hardworking person ,communicative level of English , B-driver licence and own car.

The Salary:

95 DKK per hour/brutto (~12.72 euro) +12,50% holiday money


Information will be provided later.

Working in this field offers you the opportunities to get new experience , to earn money and to get to know local culture living close to Danish family.

Legal Employment   I  Social guarantees   I   Salary on time  I  Free consultations and full support 

Darbuotojai statybose

This job offer has expired

Have additional questions?

Should you have questions about job offer or would like more information, please kindly contact us during working days from 9:00 until 17:00

Project Coordinator Adriana Agafon

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