The Job
1 person to work on shipbuilding / repair.
Number of workers:
Job Period:
From As soon as possible until Unlimited
Job Description:
- work with fiberglass;
- polyester, ship surface polishing (repair of minor defects).
Work location:
- Knowledge of the field of work;
- English on communicative level.
The Salary:
165 DKK / hour (~ 22.15 Eur) brutto, plus 12.5% holiday. The salary is paid once a month for up to 10 days to the bank account specified by you. There is a possibility to receive an advance.
Granted and will be clarified for interested candidates
We offer:
* Completely free of charge employment services;
* Legal employment in Denmark and on-time paid salary;
* Accommodation options;
* Comprehensive assistance and consultations before leaving to Denmark and during the stay there.
By having a legal employment contract for Denmark, you can cross borders without any difficulties.
Legal Employment | Social guarantees | Salary on time | Free consultations and full support